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Howdy!We're Chinese fans of the game Undertale.
In case you still don't know what Undertale is, here's a bit of info. It is a game created by Toby Fox, first released on September 15, 2015, and gained immediate popularity all over the "upper ground", including us on the far opposite side of the planet, apparently.
It's been one year since its madness swept across Steam, yet the enthusiasm hasn't lost a teeny bit. Now, hundreds of Chinese fans have started a collaboration to celebrate the first anniversary.


如果你还不了解UT,请看这里:这是Toby Fox在2015年9月15日发布的游戏,一经问世就在“地面上”获得了大量的人气,当然,地球另一端的我们也成了粉丝团的一员。如今,距它当初风靡全Steam已经整整一年,但人们的热情丝毫不减。此刻,百名华人粉丝齐聚一堂,我们创立了一周年贺图企划,以此来庆祝这一良辰佳日。


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